The department of neuroscience , is supported by well equipped neuro intensive care unit facilities like invasive intra cranial pressure monitoring and bedside Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG) monitoring for managing critically ill patients with neurological illnesses. Neurologists are experienced to administer botulinum toxin injections in various movement disorders and spasticity. The procedures offered are intravenous, intra-arterial and mechanical thrombolysis, intracranial and extracranial cerebral vessel angioplasty and stenting, decompressive craniectomy for large infarcts, evacuation of the intracerebral clots using penumbra device and stereotactic technique.
The Department of Neuroscience at Prayag , has a team of highly qualified and experienced Neurosurgeons specializing in all types of neurosurgery for comprehensive management of diseases and disorders of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The department aims at excellence in neurosurgical care through practice of evidence based medicine and treatment according to international protocols.
Services Offered
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0120-4021900 |